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Name£ºPickled Mushrooms Mix Counts£º2714

                                                  MUSHROOMS MIX



Cartons and labels dimensions

Pickled Mushrooms Mix

Package, ml: 314 / 580 / 720 jar
Net weight, g: 280 / 530 / 660
Drained weight, g: 170 / 315 / 410
Pieces per carton: 12 / 12 / 12
Cartons per container: 3500 / 2000 / 1700
Expiry date: 36 months from the production date
Ingredients: nameko, oyster mushrooms, shiitake, water, salt, vinegar, sugar, spices.
Nutrition value per 100g: calorie 65Kj, protein 2.9g, fat 0.3g, carbohydrate 4.0g.



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